Originally posted by :::OshnSoul:::
Feelings tell you everything about YOU. They make up WHO YOU ARE. Thoughts don't. Thoughts are very different from feelings. You may have those two confused. Once you "feel" something, you may not understand it right away, but once you "feel" that feeling and see it for what it is, you will know that it is a part of YOU. Does that need proving?
Yes, I think it does. Thoughts and emotions are initiated by two different parts of the brain, but both originate within ourselves and both are part of a healthy person's self-concept. If you're interested in the subject, I'd suggest this article on the NIMH (National Institute for Mental Health) website:
While it's true that often people come to an intuitive understanding of things before they apply rational thought, the opposite happens just as often... a logical debate can clue you in that something you feel (jealousy, fear, or whatever) may not make much sense. Instinct isn't always the best response, and nor is detached logic. The key word is balance.
Again, Understanding yourself is realizing that your feelings ARE YOU. ALL feelings are based on Love or Fear. That's not too hard to realize.
Yes, if by love you're willing to encompass all positive emotions, and by fear you're willing to encompass all negative emotions.
Proof is known to mean outside of yourself- proof is not within, knowing is within. If you look for proof, you will never find it.
I disagree. Proof is an integral part of knowledge. Would you say a person with schizophrenia
knows their delusions are real? Every internal signal may point to their reality, but that doesn't mean they actually exist.