No matter who plays in this game I think that those of us who root for the logical solution (playoffs, like every other sport) should be happy with the outcome so far. The best option seems to be that the 'screwed team' plays in their bowl game and pummels the crap out of whoever is their opponent. As for the Nat'l Championship who would care? There would still be questions surrounding the games like what if this team played that team...or they shoulda played that team...or whatever, you get the point.
Although controversy sucks, its the only way that these suckas might begin to change the tradition. I hate the BCS, not b/c I'm spiteful (b/c it usually does work out) but b/c I selfishly think that a playoff in sport is the true definition of a team's will to win. It definitely shows who's the best and most consistent.
Anyways so my vote is for the screwed team to blow out whoever that respective team may face in their bowl game.
"The radio reminds me of my home far away....."