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Old 12-06-2003, 09:45 PM   #1346 (permalink)
Location: Pennsylvania
Poison Ivy sent me. We are buds from theatre, so yes, I am out of the closet from the start, I am a thespian

Ok, academic creds:
I am a mathmatics major going into my senior year, yikes I feel old. I speak four languages - English, Spanish, German and SEE sign language, though you don't really speek sign language and lack of use has made my Spanish and SL rather rusty. I'd like to learn Gaelic, Japanese or Mandarin, Aramaic, and Quenya.

Other stuff:
I am a SCAdian, which means I do medieval reinactments. In that vein, I do archery and currently shoot with a 55# wooden recurve. I also am interested in bardic lore, though my repotoire is fairly limited as of yet. I am a red-black belt in tae kwon do, and I am freakishly flexible, for your too much information.

Peace be with you,
Giltwist is offline  

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