Originally posted by Mantus
Just because you feel something, doesn’t mean you understand it.
Feelings tell you everything about YOU. They make up WHO YOU ARE. Thoughts don't. Thoughts are very different from feelings. You may have those two confused. Once you "feel" something, you may not understand it right away, but once you "feel" that feeling and see it for what it is, you will know that it is a part of YOU. Does that need proving?
while you dont have to prove it no one can make you
you will be liveing without understanding yourself
many times i have agured that love does not exist however i could agree on a defenation based on action
Again, Understanding yourself is realizing that your feelings ARE YOU. ALL feelings are based on Love or Fear. That's not too hard to realize.
NOBODY is quite understanding what he is saying.
*sidenote: understanding others helps you understand yourself.*
He did not say anything about
understanding his feelings.
take your greatest joy, now take the best moment from it, that is love
wow. couldn't put it better myself. That says it all.
Now,my question for you, so that all of you may clarify: What is it about understanding yourself regarding your feelings and proof that love exists? Proof is known to mean outside of yourself- proof is not within, knowing is within. If you look for proof, you will never find it.
Please, I am interested in hearing others' thoughts on this.