The Oxford bible defines a cult as-- any belief or religion that claims to be the ONLY way to get to heaven. there are many paths
I believe a persons life and actions will be weighed in the balance.
As for my religion I call it (my real name)ism
I was raised christion so my basic social nature is christion
My spirtual beliefs are pagan as in earth children, american indian
I believe all things were created by a group of ......(gods, people aliens?) whatever they were.
the leader of the group has been refered to as god ala zues rah and many other names.
the rest of the group also had rank early religions held them as gods, lesser gods, demi gods.
modern religions now refer to them as angels and demons.
the most important rules to me are:
do unto others as you'd have them do unto you
Well thats the basic jist of it
All ideas in this communication are sole property of the voices in my head. (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 "The Voices" (TM). All rights reserved.
Last edited by alpha phi; 04-29-2003 at 03:52 AM..