Originally posted by sixate
You basically answered your own question with your first sentence. Plus, if Halo is the best game that an XBox has to offer then I know the fucker sucks dick because the game runs like shit on a PC, and the graphics are very very weak.
It's a known fact that the PC version was nothing compared to the XBox version. You can't compare the two. The PC version bogs down 3.2 P4's with Radeon 9800 Pros but runs fine on 800 MHz Durons. It has issues. I've played a good amount of it, and the XBox version has better graphics (AA) and better control.
Originally posted by sixate
So why have something laying around that serves one purpose?
So we can't have CD-players, calculators, speakers, televisions, VCRs? They all serve one purpose.
Originally posted by sixate
And FPS's suck on consoles.
Medal of Honor. Red Faction. Halo. GoldenEye. Perfect Dark.
There are plenty of good console FPS. They just lack keyboard and mouse support...that's why PC gamers tend to hate them. No, you can't be as precise as with a keyboard and mouse, but it makes the game more challenging and rewarding. I prefer a keyboard and mouse to games like Battlefield 1942, but some games like Halo are simply played better with a controller.
PC games offer upgradeability, mods, and all kinds of other options, but that doesn't mean console games are inferior. Some of the best damned games the world has ever seen have been on console. I've argued this a hundred times, but I still believe the fundamental biggest advantage that consoles have over PC is reliability. No driver screw-ups, no upgrading the console to play a newer game a year later, no operating system incompatibility issues, no random crashes, just straight up gaming that starts with the press of a power button. Consoles are made for gaming, and they do it damn well. PCs are made for various applications, one of them being gaming, but when ya have a platform that has multiple uses then you're gonna get errors.