Originally posted by quadro2000
Is it somehow then okay that they teach their kids to believe in God?
Since I don't believe in God, no.
I feel that if you want an religion, you should eb allowed to find that religion yourself, not be brainwashed into it at a young age.
I view this Santa-thing as really cruel. They tell their kids not to lie, but what are they doing? They tell the kids there is a Santa, Easterbunny, Toothfairy etc and then tehy laugh behind their kids backs "Haha, it's so funny that little Johnny belive in Santa"
I don't like being lied to and laughed at behind my back. At any age.
I figured out there was no Santa when I was four years old and noticed that Santa had the same watch and shoes as my uncle who was out "buying the newspaper". Same with the toothfairy really. Snuck up and watched my dad put some coins in the glass. (In Sweden ou put your tooth in a glass of water and the tooth fairy replaces it with money)... and we have no such thing as a easter bunny here. People just give you eggs made of paper filled with candy.