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Old 12-06-2003, 05:54 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Barrie, Ontario
Originally posted by CSflim
People need to realise that novels and films are two *COMPLETELY* different mediums.
A direct "word for word" translation from book to film would ahev made an awful unwatchable movie. An interpreatation is needed.
While Jackson was not faithful to the nitty gritty details, he did something FAR MORE important. He was failful to the *tone* of the books.
That is a far more impressive feat than just acting out a novel.
Very well said CSflim. I absolutely loved the books, but I would have been bored to tears if they remade it word for word, scene for scene, chapter for chapter. Even the fanatical Middle Earth fans would have been. Peter Jackson has done a remarkeable job keeping the overall story and feel of the book, but making it entertaining for the audience.

Personally, I'm extremely impressed with Peter Jackson for even taking this task on. It was a lose-lose situation, but because of his vision - and New Line's willingness to do it his way - he actually turned it around! To anyone sane, it was a certainty that LotR movies would only piss off the hardcore fan, and wouldn't draw the ever important (and paying) mainstream film fan. Think David Lynch's Dune...
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