Spire, that dream sounds fucking crazy. When I was a kid, i had this one dream twice, where i was in bed and i would hear a clock tower strike midnight, but in an eery, distorted fashion. Then i'd hear a howl, and these dogs (my next door neighbors dogs) would jump through my window (second story), but it was all like in a sort of "bullet-time" time distortion, and I'd know they were going to attack me (they never got to that point in my dream), so i would wake myself up right when they got there. It scared me alot at the time. One dream that sticks with me alot was one i had two summers ago. It started at like some sort of whacecked Disneyland/Boy Scout Camp/Gameshow Scenario. It started out like some sort of race, and everyone was in boyscout uniforms. There was a tarin like the disneyland one sort of, and i took us through and arctic setting for the race. Then out of nowhere (possibly parts i forgot) we end up on a very hot dry (yet still tropical) island. I could vividly remember this part of the dream, as it was the part that scared me. I remember gazing at the islands scenery for a short while, and then hearing a startling sound from the sky (i would describe it as a failing jet engine, followed by a crash). I look up into the bright (scorching) sky to see an Sr-71 in a sort of nose-up stall postion. I see another jet (hornet? maybe) as if it had attacked the Sr-71 (unlikely scenario), there was blake smoke from the stalling sr-71. I remember yelling "get out of here" or something to that extent, but it was to late, and everything turned red and it was like a nuclear explosin, then i wake up.