Get the SLK-900U like Vanquish said. The Tornado is the best combo with it, but like he said, it's possibly the loudest CPU fan in existance. The SLK and Tornado combo is better than
some water-cooling solutions, however. If you want to OC your C core 2.4, then you'll definitely need the very best CPU HSF or water-cooling. I'd like to point out that the processor you're getting has been OC'ed to nearly 4 GHz.
Get the Corsair you listed.
The video card is great...that's one hell of a price!
The only thing I can additionally recommend is a nice PSU. Enermax or Sparkle should do the trick! With either of these brands 300-350w will be plenty.
Another motherboard suggestion would be the Asus A7N8X Deluxe. This is known as the number one Pentium 4 motherboard for overclocking. I've heard good things about the Abit IC7, though. Good luck; once ya get it together that's gonna be one hell of a computer!