Need to ask a non-white board member a few questions:
"Find one person form a racial/ethnic group other than your own who would be willing to talk a bout cultural influences on communication. Ask them the following questions, which you may supplement with some of your own."
the questions:
1. What specific differences do you notice in verbal behaviors, such as differences in the words used and vocal cues, between your cultural group and other cultural groups?
2. What specific differences do you notice in nonverbal behaviors, such as eye contact and body language, between your cultural group and other cultural groups?
3. Can you remember any situations in which you experienced discrimniation because of cultural differences? If so, what happened and how did you respond?
4. In terms of verbal and nonverbal communication, what simliarities and differences do you notice among men and women from your cultural group?
5. How would you describe your culture, such as your beliefs, values, characteristics and symbols, to someone who knows nothing about it?
6. What else would you want someone to know about you to help them better understand you?
It's for a study skills class. Don't ask me why the teacher is requiring this..
Last edited by papermachesatan; 12-05-2003 at 08:40 AM..