my routine is basically just a combination of stretches and weigh training, which took my a couple of months to refine for my sport (soccer). Off-season, I avoid impacts on my joints, since I've had three operations on my legs as a kid, and too much impact is hazardous for me. During season this programme supplements me team-training, so I just lower my sets. I do this every alternative day, with rest days in between.
1. 4 varieties of situps/crunches
2. The Bear. a combination push-weight exercise combining front and back squats with shoulder presses. great for a all-body all-in-one exercise.
3. Scissor splits, and other stamina+stretch exercises.
4. The Victor.
5. Dumbell Flys
Basically, this keeps me fit and my muscles toned during the off-season. Oh, and its low weight, high reps many sets.
"Failing tastes of bile and dog vomit. Pity any man that gets used to that taste."