Word of the day December 5
The Word of the Day for December 5 is:
vicarious • \vye-KAIR-ee-us\ • (adjective) 1. acting for another; 2. done or suffered by one person on behalf of another or others; 3. experienced or realized through imaginative or sympathetic participation in the experience of another
A little more information about today’s word:
If you act in someone's _stead_, you take his or her place, at least temporarily. The oldest meaning of "vicarious," which was first recorded in 1637, is "serving in someone or something's stead." The word "vicarious" derives from the Latin noun "vicis," which means "change," "alternation," or "stead." "Vicis" is also the source of the English prefix "vice-" (as in "vice president"), meaning "one that takes the place of."
My sentence (using definition #3):
Armchair travelers receive much vicarious pleasure through reading about other people's journeys to far-off lands.
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 10th Edition.
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