Vanelee hurried back to the clearing where the group had set up camp the night before, with his love, Nina, at his side. As the duo approached the clearing, the elf heard the sounds of battle meaning tha the batle had already begun. He immediately loked to his side to see how Nina planned to enter the battle, but she had vanished.
With a confused look on his face, Vanelee focused his energies back on the battle. As he entered the woods where the battle was taking place, he saw that Matt and Dreggan had already dispatched of a few of the advancing enemies, but there were still a few left.
Seeing the troll that had just punched Matt, the elf drew and strung his bow while pulling out two arrows. Mounting the two arrows on the bow, Vanelee took aim and released, hitting the troll square between the eyes and causing it to stumble and collapse in a heap immediately.
Drawing another arrow, Vanelee surveyed his surroundings for other enemies that woud be prone to his arrows. All the while, still keeping an eye out for when Nina would reappear.