[OOC: It's just that Vanelee's description of Nina doesn't make her seem like a young girl... more like a woman. Furthermore, at the beginning of the adventure, you made it quite clear that Nina appeared very young. Ah well, whatever floats your boat, guys...]
Not relishing the thought of fighting even more of these dumb creatures, Dreggan made his way towards the sound of the first orc falling down. Once there, from his vantage point, he saw that their opponents would be a hodge-podge of undesirables: about 6 orcs (including the wounded one that was getting up, rubbing his head through his rusty helmet), 4 goblins, who were laughing hysterically, and 2 trolls, who simply growled to shut the goblins up and send them scouting ahead. The villains seemed better equipped than the previous group they had faced, except for the hapless goblins, who simply had clubs and simple clothing.
Making his way back to Matt, Dreggan signaled to him using assassin's code. Seeing the confusion on his friend's face, the thief sighed and simply indicated numbers with his hands, followed by indications of size, which involved him spreading his arms further and further apart. Matt nodded, much to Dreggan's satisfaction. The thief then signaled for the monk to strike low, while he would remain in the trees.
A plan is just a list of things that don't happen.