My little sister is deaf in a legal sense. In a real world, her hearing is ok, just severely impaired at multiple frequencies. For instance, she actually has a hard time understanding me if she can't see my lips while female voices are pretty intelligible. She is a wonderful lip reader and her speech is good enough that most people hardly notice any impediment. All in all, she can make conversation so well that people don't realize she has a disability. The catch is that sometimes she has no clue what's going on but can "fake" it well enough that you don't realize. It makes me stop and think about the fact that she is so tired of asking people to explain and repeat themselves that she'll just opt out of a conversation and fake understanding. She's got a bunch of deaf friends, including some profoundly deaf. I took sign language but am so out of practice that I probably have the communication skills of a younger toddler.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam