How’s it going everyone?
It’s cool to see so many people who are/know/like deaf people and the community. I think it’s really cool. Thanks for the replies.
Rogue49, believe it or not, I wouldn’t be surprised are more fluent in ASL than I am. I depend on reading lips, talking and hearing more than sign. I’m still in high school (had to take a “deaf” kindergarten, then be mainstreamed the next year into regular kindergarten), and while I have interpreters, I really don’t use them, so basically I sign only when talking to other deaf friends. Other than that, I talk. I know what you mean about the signing/talking to a hearing person, but I am usually doing the opposite; I talk instead of signing. The Deaf people hate me for that.
(Capital D in Deaf means the DEAF people, as in the culturally involved people, all deaf friends, stuff like that. Small d in deaf refers to all deaf people, hard of hearing, and deaf)
Speed_Gibson, I believe I know what you’re talking about. It’s short of like an accent in the deaf world. Who would’ a thought? Accents in the deaf world? Hey, could that be an oxymoron? Anyone know?
water_boy1999, what you said reminds me of a joke. An old deaf joke, but it goes like this, “I’m not deaf, I’m just ignoring you.”
Vyk, must be intresting to have that kind of job. I know you’re sworn to confidentiality with those calls, but I bet you hear/read all kinds of interesting stuff.
Most people have an easier time with sign than spoken languages because it’s a visual language, or at least that’s what my deaf/ASL teacher tells me. Would you agree?
I’d like to say thank you to everyone who posted here. I really didn’t expect that many replies so fast. Until next time, adios! Have a good ‘un!