Originally posted by shakran
They hate him because he and his administration are a pack of compulsive liars.
Cheney said, shortly after the invasion of Iraq, "we know where they [WMD] are. They're in an area around Baghdad and Tikrit." That's clearly a lie, because we have yet to find them.
The administration claimed Iraq had vast stockpiles of WMD's. If we can't find them nearly a year after the invasion, I'd say that's not true.
The administration purposely led the american people to believe that the 9/11 terrorists were iraqi, to the point that 70% of Americans believe it. In fact, none of the terrorsts were Iraqi.
These are good points however what most people forget is the amount of asinine false claims made by the Pakistani,Kuwaiti and Isreali intelligence agencies.
The Pakistani's wanted a foot up on India and would say anything especially concerning Iraq's so-called WMD to patch up the strained relations with the U.S regarding their own WMD program.
The Kuwaiti's,..well who could blame them. They're a little country right next door to Iraq and haven't forgotten the Gulf War yet.
And who could forget CNN running paranoid clips of Isreali's duct taping their doors and windows, sitting in candlelit rooms and hysterically almost trampling people to buy gas masks. Even Ariel Sharon said Mossad had iron clad evidence that Saddam had 45 scud missiles pointed at Isreal, with between 19 and 28 carrying biological agents.
Yet now the only ones with tarnished images are the U.S and Britain. You certainly don't hear a squeek coming from the aforementioned countries.