...........*blink*...........*blink blink*........ HOLY FUCKING SHIT.
Originally posted by Bloodslick
Wow. I can't express the goodwill that I feel towards you right now for trying to honestly and seriously explore your options in your relationships. Your open mind and willingness to try new things gives me warm fuzzies, and I'm a pool of blood on the ground.
Ok now here's the thing... YOU may be fine with polyamory and all, and I applaud your openness, but it sounds like "boyfriend" is most definitely NOT. The fact that he keeps going back to "doesn't like sharing you" after a small period of time experimenting with different permutations of roommate polyamory showcases his inability to actually function on a constant basis as a polyamory-friendly person.
Of course, it also sounds like he's one hell of a boring fuck. (all puns intended)
Keep looking around, give "guy friend" a try, and lose the "boyfriend" dude. He's doing nothing but holding you down... you even said you don't feel love there anymore-
<i><b>Hello Ms. Siryn, this is the TFP calling, this is your requested relationship wake-up call.</i></b>
You rock, best of luck.