Don't read my stuff
Hey, I've been comming to this board for close to 6-8 months now, never post just like to watch, but I decided to post some of my poetry. Some of of it older, a year or more, then some is new, will explain if I can what I was going through when i wrote it.
I wrote this one about a year ago or so, had gotten into writting a few months post
Journey to darkness
I lay peacefully in the waters so warm around me, and soon the darkness disturbs my rest. I dare to stand without the light and the world so frail swells to rush around my somber glance. I need the aid of feeling hands, yet they touch blindly and I know not whom I am. I stand away, beginning to relieve my aches, and I am distanced from the trouble that once knew me. My thoughts unclear, I lose the way and in darkness, no rest do I find to ease the burden. Soon I find a pool, with glass surface unbroken, and a reflection of what I was and where I was headed. But what lies beneath is what catches my mind, a sleeping fool who knows not of love. His world is broken; no joy to him is spoken, so I sought to lift him from his doom! But he would not stir and I could not touch him, he seemed so happy in his tomb. My rest now complete yet my burden, not gone, I cannot bear to stand. I fall to the pool; I kiss the surface, and then the dream is shattered. Light breaks my vision and I find myself below the depths again. I sit, my burden suppressed, and choke back the memories of my journey. I realize I will not venture again to that bleak place until the water turns and I cannot swim there. What is life and love if there is no chance to grasp them? A tomb of memories set free by the darkness of sleep, and a life wasted as the light that tries to touch the deep.
Last edited by Rosogmios; 12-11-2003 at 01:56 AM..