I think many people are prescribed ADD/ADHD drugs when not necessary. I think a lot of parents and teachers just dont have enough time to work with students and think medicine is a quick fix.
My own experience was a few years ago when I was prescribed dexedrine. I thought at the time that it helped a lot, but eventually I believe it disrupted me quit a bit. I never ate, had lost a lot of weight but had plenty of energy at the same time (normal cues your body has that you need to rest go completely out the door). I became very anxious all the time and very detached between the new person I had become and the "old" me. When I'de go to the Psychiatrist for my monthly check up he would weight me, ask how was school, then send me on my way. It is frightengly easy to get and stay on these sort of drugs. I'm shocked how he would keep prescribing me at the sad state I was in. Finally I mentioned how maybe this wasnt right for me. Thats when he prescribed me Paxil to take with it. To lessen the anxiety problems associated with Dexedrine. Well after a few months of both I had had enough and went completely cold turkey. It was a struggle to piece my life back together and deal with withdrawal.
Now after being off the drug I see how unnecessary it was. We all learn different and I think thats why so many kids are seen as problems. School systems and our society in general has a very narrow focus on how we should do/teach things. People who dont fit this mold either have to overcompensate or struggle.
I think you need to evaulate what you expect to get from taking medicine. How you are able to handle life at the moment. (If things are going fine why mess it up with drugs?) Medicine should be a last resort! I also strongly advocate not taking them if you have any anxiety problems because they will increase them drastically. I would also suggest to get a second opinion since many of these problems are very closely related. A lot of things can help your life which shouldnt be all that surprising, but your diet for one, Getting enough sleep, giving yourself time for things is important. I am by no means an expert but Ive had bad experiences with doctors AND medicine, so just know what you are getting yourself into.