Matt jerked up, covered in sweat. Whew! Intense nightmares. Oh well. Matt stood and looked around. He noticed Vanelee was gone and decided it was time to look for breakfast. He decided he had had quite enough meat for a while, so he went running through the forest as he tended to do, searching for a fruit-bearing tree. When he found one, he delivered a stern punch to its trunk, causing all the ripe fruit to fall from its branches. He then moved with all of his speed, catching them all before they hit the ground. When he was done, he was carrying a pile as big as he was. He carried it back to camp and dropped them on the ground. A little dirt won't hurt anyone. After all, we are in the wilderness. He picked up two of the nectarines [OOC: I hope those grow on trees :-P] and tossed one at each Dreggan and Nina. "Wake up guys! It's breakfast time! There's plenty for everyone so come dig in! We have a long journey into the mountains ahead of us today, and the climb will not be easy."