Originally posted by Macheath
Poor science? What, like Dr Rush Limbaugh's assertion that <b>soluble</b> chlorine from volcanoes that gets rained out in the lower atmosphere somehow does more environmental damage than <b>insoluble</b> CFCs in the upper atmosphere. What a pack of lies. Just keep laughing and burning styrofoam cups and pretend that nothing is happening.
Because when nothing is happening, there's no need to refine, revise or rework a supposedly "suicidal" environmental treaty. Just. Do. Nothing.
My first degree is in Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution. Its a classic tree hugger degree. I've debated global warming with non-scientist global warming fear mongers for years and years. The result in the end is always 'well since we don't KNOW, it couldn't HURT to reduce CO2'. Hurting the economy of the world is not something that matters to them. I can't say I'm in the mood to get into it again. I could talk about how NO global warming climate models agree or can even 'predict' the past known temperatures and that we are still recovering from a 'cool' period. I could talk about the natural fluctuation of the earth temperatures. I could talk about conflicting data. I could talk about the political and social motivation behind the global warming crowd. I could go on and on but like a lab rat repeatedly completing an electric circuit, I eventually stop repeating the same motions. Perhaps if I had the foresight I would have saved all my past postings on global warming and could just cut and paste, but I didn't and they are lost to time.