I hate Bush. I hate him for reasons that affect me though, unlike those who hated Clinton.
I hate him for happily presiding over more destructive environmental practices.
I hate him for increasing my burden of national debt by giving our money back to rich people rather than those who would really need it.
I hate him for giving tax breaks to a dying breed of energy producers rather than give it to the future. To renewable energies. Upwards of 23 billion to fossil fuels in the current energy bill. What was it, 1.5 to renewables? And most of that went to ethanol, which is a waste of time. it's pork.
I hate him for screwing schools with No Child Left Behind. A clear effort to open the doors to vouchers. I hate him for appointing a man who has a 40% failure rate in Houston schools as head of the nations educaton efforts.
I hate him for literally ignoring information that goes against his already settled course. I hear information about how his own advisors say that once he latches on to something he doesn't even want to hear evidence to the contrary and can never be swayed.
I hate him for doing things he thinks is right, regardless of what the best minds of the field think. He doesn't care about what america would want. He doesn't listen to a balance of academics on the subject. He just does something. That isn't right.
That is not a leader. That is an opportunist.
Last edited by Superbelt; 12-03-2003 at 11:02 AM..