Wow, THIS guy is a senior advisor to Putin?
Illarionov said that the United States and Australia opted out of the protocol after deciding that compliance would be too expensive, and that it would be even less affordable for Russia, which has a much smaller economy.
He elaborated on Putin's statement Monday that Russia could benefit from global warming, saying that warmer temperatures would help increase harvests, cut energy consumption and open ice-encrusted seas to navigation.
There will be no real benefit from Global Warming. There is not an even warming worldwide in global warming. Certain systems get affected by a general warming in different ways.
For instance, global warming will force the Gulf stream to flow south, most likely hitting the mediterranean sea. The only reason England is as warm as it is, is because of the gulf streams heat transfers. Without it it will be much more like the north coast of Alaska, which is its longitudinal cousin. And that isn't conducive to economic growth.
There would be positive benefits, and there would be negatives.
This guy has no grasp on what the true effects to his region will really be. But be assured, they will by no means be a general warming over all of Russia.