I don’t think that dying for some one constitutes love.
Dying for some one is not going against our instincts. Animals of many species will protect their young to the death. It is instinctive behaviors to protect our genes.
If we die for a cause, or rather, die for society. Then we are exhibiting our behavior as a social species. Dying for a cause is dying for the good of the group, so there is nothing illogical there, in fact it could be instinctive.
Here is something I wrote a while back, though I don’t fully agree with my own thoughts…perhaps out of distaste more then anything else, I think it's interesting.
It is quite possible that when we human gave thought to our attractions, devotions and relationships with with other people we were frightened by what we saw. We saw selfish intentions and instinctive decisions. We saw that we always viewed as our most distinct quality as a species, our relationships with others, was the most animalistic of all. To safeguard our sanity, and keep away the guilt, our minds made up the concept of love. We placed love above instinct and selfishness. Therefore lifting us once again above the other animals.