Thread: Bush's spending
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Old 12-03-2003, 05:46 AM   #36 (permalink)
Location: Just outside the D.C. belt
Originally posted by onetime2
Sorry, my bad it's New Zealand. I knew it was one or the other and I picked the wrong one. Basically it's a guy who's making a cruise missile for $5k. He's well on his way and many people are taking him seriously. He's got a pretty damned good design.

Here's his site.

Port security absolutely should be improved but it shouldn't be an either/or proposition. Both are threats and both should be investigated and improved.
N.M.D. is not being designed to stop cruise missiles, only the ballistic type.

Since we've done the M.A.D. thing for almost fifty years a country that has or develops ballistic nuc'sknows they'll get erased so you're back to a terrorist threat as a viable danger. Why spend billions & billions on a missile when you can buy an old seagoing freighter and just sail into a port? or for that matter just smuggle the weapon in (disguised as cocaine) and blackmail/jihad ensues.

Nation of the Cat. Forgive maybe, forget .... not quite yet.
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