But in my opinion, no matter what her rules are, it gives her no right to intrude on her daughters privacy despite it being her house.
--Well actually, she did it in the PRIVACY of the MOTHER'S House. So by doing the act in the house, wasn't she already intruding in on her mother's privacy?
Article 12.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
-- Again with what I just said, she was interfering with the mother's privacy, and so by this article the mother had every right to get in the way. Ooh! Want a another quote from that article to back up what I'm saying?
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his.... home....
-- Wow, what do you know.. the mother's home is part of what the daughter interfered with, is it not?
As I see it she overdid it bigtime. Thereby showing her daughter that she doesn't respect her. If the mother doesn't respect her daughter why the he*l should the daughter respect her and her rules?
--Actually, kind sir, by breaking the rules of the house that the mother set before her, didn't the daughter disrespect the mother first? And if this is so, then why should the Mother respect the daughter and her rights?
Mental abuse has the same longterm affects on the mind as physichal. Proven fact.
--Yet you have yet to explain to us how opening a door is Mental Abuse.
she didn't do anything unlawful, she just broke a rule that her mother had set.
--Um.. can you read your own words? You said she didn't do anything wrong, yet she broke a rule... Hello?
First of, I agree that she has a right to state the rules and enforce them, but she doesn't have the right to intrude on her daughters privacy since there was nothing illegal goin on in there.
--Again Law = Rule, Mother's Rule = "No Fuckin' in the house", thus one can deduce she broke a Law of the house. Therefore it is technically illegal to 'fuck' in the house.
Okay, maybe I didn't explain that enough. A 17 year old has a very slim chanche of making it in the world on her own. That is because the society demands education, experience so forth and so on. Since everyone, to some degree, has the instinct of self presarvation she understand that by living at home she get's a better chance than if the would be alone. Thus she is "forced" to live at home.
--Sorry, but uh, although I may still be living at home, I am in no way Forced to do so. I do know in fact many people who are living on their own. Its possible, It really is! Heck when I was working at Target, I worked with a lot of peopole 40 and over, and they mocked me because I still live at home, because a lot of them moved out when they were 16. Yet you say 17 means they are "forced" to live at home. (simply showing the error in your judgement.. if it can be done by one person, then it negates it "forcing")
Abusing your child is illegal, parenting is not. What her mother did was to use harsher methods of discipline than needed, therfore she was abusing her.
-- What should she have done?
she has the right to set the rules. She has a right to enforce these rules but not the right to violate her daughters privacy to do so.
-- Again with this what should she have done question.. my next question: How is she to enforce it?
If you suspect your kid of using crack you have an obligation to go into her room and make sure because crack is illegal, if your 17 year old is having sex on the other hand she is not breaking any law she is just exploring some of the better parts of life.
-- Yeah man, you already said opening that door is mental abuse, and you said long term mental abuse is bad. Dont contradict yourself, doesn't help your debate. Again you mention the she's not breaking a law.. yet what is a law? The answer? Its a RULE, and yes she broke a rule. A.K.A. She broke one of the LAWS of the HOUSE.
So a john has the right to abuse a prostitute simply because he's paying?
--Prostitution has nothing to do with this debate, although it IS farfetch I see where you are attempting to go with this. Well, renting at your parents house is much like renting an apartment. See once you're paying for yourself you can do whatever the hell you want. But again, if the Landlord catches you doing something against the Rules of the Apartment, he can kick you our or possibly even sue. Shit he could call the police and have THEM catch you in the act.
Not to make rules she knows she will break and then give her shit for it. What's the point of making yourself into your kids enemy?
--She knows she will break? Sorry what you may have been led to believe, but rules are not made knowing they will be broken. Ask the her brothers that are here on TFP, are they breaking the rule? Making yourself into the enemy? Its called protecting them. There are times you'll hate your parent, but when you're older you see how much wiser they were than you and then thank them for it.
By Shakran
Aww give me a break. If that scars her for life, she already has mental problems and should check into a hospital right now.
-- Precisely. I've been caught watching porn before, yet that didn't give me anything I would call mental abuse. Though I might add it did teach me a lesson. There is no rule in the house about it, but it did teach me to be more careful. It did NOT abuse me in any way other than to feel really awkward.
Once I jacked off on my bed & my mom walked in & placed the clothes besides my jizz.
--Thats Freakin' Hilarious man!