I would third what Sparhawk has to say about nutrition. I have been going to the gym for three years. Mostly I did weights and abs. I lost some weight and stayed constant for a while. Since the end of August, I have now lost more than thirty pounds. I still exercise semi-regularly but it is ALL diet. And by "diet" I mean the way I eat, not starving myself or going no-carb. In fact, I eat when I'm hungry and occasionally have ice cream, cheesecake, etc. I just try to mimimize all that and find better caloric values. For instance, sugar-free Jello provides a big bowl of sweets but is a mere 80 calories. A slice of cheesecake could be nearly 800.
I am basically following "Dr Shapiro's Picture Perfect Weight Loss" book. It is all about replacing high-calorie food items with lower calorie (and more nutritious) food. Best thing about it is that it isn't strict. In fact, I cheat much more than I should but I'm still losing a pound a week minimum.