First I would check the ticket thoroughly for errors, I have had two tickets tossed because of stupid errors (one misspelled my 1st name, one put "2Dr." rather than "4Dr." under body style). Either way you simply say that if there is one error on the ticket what's to say there are not more; like the speed, for instance. I suppose you have to be a little ballsy to do this but it's something. I have had mixed results with the "it's my first ticket, I have a clean record..." defense. I have gotten out of a couple and one recent one in MA was reduced to the minumum ($75!, I think). As you admitted to going 65 already, that is the best you could hope for out of that, probably. The cop did use entrapment to get you, but you'd probably need to get an attorney to verify the actual laws, which may actually be worthwhile since reckless driving (which is probably where you're at 30 over) is more pts. than simple speeding. In VA they have speedometer calibration centers which put your car on a dynomometer to see if the actual speed matches the speedometer, if it doesn't you can claim speedo error and try to get out that way (works extra well if you disconnect the speedo before going). I don't know if that stuff flies in MA. And finally--you don't have to wear a suit, but for god sake don't look like a slob when you go. Good luck, my friend.
"Religion is the one area of our discourse in which it is considered noble to pretend to be certain about things no human being could possibly be certain about"
--Sam Harris