Not being a male, I'm not absolutely sure what the reason is.
We have a huge population of asian immigrants and students here in New Zealand. If I had to hazard a guess I would have to say that asian women generally tend to be slimmer than kiwi women and are quite often more fashionably dressed. Kiwi students tend to just throw on whatever and we're curvier. Some guys like that, and some like slim women.
I've also noticed that a lot of the asian women here tend to be quite shy and quiet compared to kiwis. Perhaps that has something to do with it? Not that kiwis are loud or anything (not at all compared to Americans!) but we tend to be more open, perhaps overly so.
Apart from that, possibly just difference. Something different from what we generally see every day can be mightily attractive. I know I melt inside whenever I hear an American accent, and I've been told a lot of nationalities find the Kiwi accent 'cute.' Couple that with differences in appearance and that could be a factor.