You don't have to have proof of anything to know that it exists. Knowing it intuitively is what matters. Staying in touch with your feelings is what will tell you what Love Is and that is does exist.
There is everything that is either out of Love or out of Fear.
The only way to know Love is to experience it. Not "romantic" Love, per say, but the simple passion for something or someone that has no boundaries, no limitations, and that no matter what happens, you still feel the same about it/them. That is True Love, or Unconditional Love. That is what God gives us. Love is ALWAYS there, it's a matter of making your choices out of that Love or out of Fear. If you choose something out of Fear, you may feel like the Love is not there. If you choose out of Love, you feel that Love like nothing could stop it. Even if that choice hurts, especially when the choice hurts, it is out of Love. I have experienced Love on so many different levels, but I know first-hand that as I think back on experiences that hurt the most, I realize now why I made the choices I did, and that it is all out of Love. Love exists- it's the source that binds us together, so much in fact, that we can either take advantage of it or deny it.