Thread: Bush's spending
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Old 12-02-2003, 04:48 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: NJ
Somehow missed this one from you 2wolves...

Originally posted by 2wolves
National Missle Defense, we don't need.

Homeland Security, lot's and lot's of unfunded mandates. We've been shuffling deck chairs for two years.

Drug benefits for everyone except what was delivered was corporate welfare. Again.

A real international human intel capability, we need. Terrorism is stopped by police, not soldiers, not satelites and certainly not crony capitalism.

As more and more countries develop missile technology AND it becomes easier to come by (check out the guy in Australia who built his own missile with perfectly legal parts) a missile defense system is fully justified in my opinion.

As far as the corporate welfare statements, that's just nice sound bite politics. How can corporations not be better off by selling more of their products? How can the seniors be worse off by getting benefits they don't currently have? It's not a perfect bill but it's a hell of a lot better than anything else that's been proposed because it actually passed congress and will be signed into law.

Human intel is being developed as we speak. Who do you think gathers that intel? It's former soldiers and government employees. Terrorism is best stopped as close to where it originates as possible. By the time the police are involved it's already too late since that means the terrorists are in our country and more than likely so are their weapons.

Originally posted by james t kirk

Maybe Jr. figures he will avoid that pit fall by spending money he doesn' t have now in order to bolster the economy and help with his re-election chances. Then, once his re-election is accomplished put the screws to everyone?

Hmmmm, i wonder.....
Is this really the argument that the only reason the economy is doing well is because of Bush's spending? Not even close. How does his spending keep interest rates low? How does his spending raise home prices? How about vastly improving productivity? It contributes very little to any of that and these are driving the economy.
Strive to be more curious than ignorant.
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