Originally posted by danielboy
Isn't there a law against taking pictures of someone who isn't a public figure (without permission)? Don't newspapers need to make sure that they have permission from the picture takee before publishing?
I don't know how defamation works in the US, but in Blighty, you're safe to take pictures of whatever the fuck you please as long as it's on public property. So say I stood on the street by the car park near a porn shop and snapped you as you went in, you couldn't stop me taking the picture, you couldn't stop me publishing it.
Say you were on trial for murder and the local paper turns up to grab your picture as you come out of court. There's nothing, legally, you can do to stop them, and if you try and smash the camera or something, well you'll be up on a criminal damage charge as well. All you can do is try and cover your face.