Judaism, Christianity and Islam are perhaps the most ridiculous religions in the world. Their Holy texts have the most contradictions and are written in such a way so that anything can be justified or vilified at the whim of the practitioners. It is obvious then that the plebian masses can be easily controlled by the politician and fanatics at the reigns of these religions that disguise themselves clergymen.
The irony about Christianity is that Jesus was actually against organized religions. If he knew what his teachings were going to accomplished he would have probably kept his mouth shut.
All religions conflicts have been waged for political reasons. Easter religions are better written because they are based on philosophy and spirituality and exclude science from their teachings. It doesn’t mean that that there have never been any wars in the east. Though there have been fewer religions conflicts. Religions are more tolerant of each other in the East. For example in a Buddhist temple one might find a separate shrine to Confucius as well as other local deities and spirits. The same didn’t happen for Christianity when it was introduced to Asia. When Westerners came to Asia in an attempt to convert its populace, the political leaders became worried. The Christians were preaching non-tolerance of all eastern spirituality and morality including Confucian teachings, which were the base of not only their way of life but also the whole Asian political system. As such the Christians were persecuted and stamped out.
This is obviously just a very small piece of the whole picture. What is certain is that religion has not caused humanity to be more violent but instead has failed to alter human society and our tendencies to be violent. If religion didn’t exist nothing would change. Politicians would just find another tool to control the populace. This is the main reason that I have turned away from religion and decided to find my own path to spirituality.
Last edited by Mantus; 12-02-2003 at 11:36 AM..