Originally posted by Lasereth
Yeah, it's all about what his current PC is. If it sucks now, I'd get the Athlon XP system. If it's decent and plays current games, then it's not worth upgrading yet. If it plays today's games, then it should be alright until the Athlon 64's go down.
Well, my current PC is as follows:
Pentium III 450Mhz OC to 526 Mhz
2 x 128mb PC133 SDRAM
AOpen AX6BC motherboard
80Gb 7200 RPM HDD
64MB Geforce4 MX 440 SE (slowed down using CoolBits, because the motherboard can't handle a core clock speed over 116)
As you can see, its not exactly the world's greatest computer. It can play some newish games quite well, like GTAIII. Games like Battlefield 1942 and Halo don't work that well, but are mostly playable.