man, I'm so glad he's moving out. he's now taking every opportunity available to inform me how un-trustworthy I am, and seems to be SURE that I'm trying to cheat him out of every cent he owns.. by asking him to pay his share of the bills, no less.
I want to see the actual bills for November before I pay you anything. I will add them up and do the math myself. You no longer have any of my trust.
just gives me warm fuzzies inside.
Someone, PLEASE tell me I'm being the better person by not calling names back at him... I am FURIOUS with him. I want to kick his fucking head in! And... I'm stuck with him for another 2 fucking weeks. Wonder how much of my stuff'll get stolen, 'cuz he obviously seems to have decided to ream me for all I'm worth. :/
edit: thx for that link cyn