Originally posted by JamesS
Yes, she was trumped - deliberately so, I'd day. It's nice that Bush visited and all, no dispute there. But why does it take a prominant democrat taking a trip to spur him to action?
I feel so sorry for our troops over there right now. Especially the reserves and guard - the regular enlistees signed up for this, but guardsmen were never supposed to be used in this manner.
I hope whoever wins in 2004, someone comes up with a coherent plan to re-rail this train.
I'd say he would have gone reguardless, and the fact that he overshadowed Hill's trip makes it only that much better.
As for the national guard, this IS what they signed up for. Maybe a lot of them never expected it, but anyone who was in the national guard and never expected the possiblity of war and being called to active duty was obviously just in it for the extra check.