Being that what types of arms are not stipulated, and shall not be infringed is specifically stated regarding the people's right to bear arms (as well as providing for the people's right to form a militia) in the US, there is constitutional proof maliciously ignored in an attempt to disarm the populace. The NFA merely set up 'regulations' (or infringements, if you like) regarding transfer and sale of machineguns to civilians. The law is pretty much unenforceable. If you never tell the government you have the machinery, you never tell them you made it, and you never tell them you sold it, you never pay the NFA taxes. The NFA transfer tax stamp in 1934 was set at 200 dollars for machineguns. That was in an age where 3 pound bags of marijuana could be had for a few dollars and cocaine could still be prescribed, not to mention that Thompson Submachineguns only cost about 400 dollars themselves, and that usually included the FBI style deluxe model (which could be sold to civilians in 1929) which came with 1 empty 100 round drum and 2 50 round drums, as well as several (4 I think) 30 round box magazines. All in all, it was a damn fine deal. Clearly, 450 was a hell of a lot of money in 1934, more than sharecroppers earned in a year. Suddenly, 600 dollars and criminal background checks and waiting periods for something like that is so impractical that most ordinary citizens won't even consider it out of sheer expense. The act has accomplished its purpose.