The Hypocrite
"I hate it when people accuse others of things they themsleves are guilty of."
"To feign virtuousness is the base of a feeble character."
"At the risk of sounding like a monist;
that is the most objectionable characteristic one can possess."
"How do you look at yourself in the mirror
when you judge others' standards of behavior differently from your own?"
"Or do you not even realize what you are guilty of?"
"Are you that superficial of a person that you never reflect upon your own actions and judge yourself in retropect?"
"How can you, day-in and day-out, criticize the actions of others
when you have the market cornered on insincere behavior?"
"How dare you stand upon your soapbox and berate me because of the assumptions you've made of my character!?"
And the whole time I am standing here I can only ask myself one thing:
How ironic is it that you are here accusing me of such a thing?