Originally posted by sexymama
At that time I learned that it is illegal for "children under age 18" to have sex, period.

This must be a state thing - local to your state ... Up in Canada, it is legal for kids as young as 14 to have sex - the condition is that both parental parties are aware. The legal age without parental consent is 16 - as long as it is with another minor.
Originally posted by sexymama
Also, every parent has a right to make their own rules. They own the house -- every room in it -- and have a right to access whatever room they wish too when the wish too.
Actually ... it is not a "right" per-se. Furthermore, the "rules" must be lawful - otherwise they are a gross breach of rights and freedoms. Consider it a privilage - as most things are in life.
I guess I am being a little more liberal than I would be if I had children of my own - I can openly admit that. I do however understand the greater importance of raising the kids to understand that sex is great - but has a great deal of responsibility attached to it. I think that the important messages regarding sex are lost when sex is outright banned.
Perhaps parents need to talk more openly?