Well, I've decided that I want a PDA more than I want a laptop. It just balances out better. Now I want a PDA and I want a good one. Yet I have no clue what to get!! The first thing that I absolutely have to have is the capability to use a keyboard, and obviously to plug it in. I'd prefer to be able to do both at once. My reasons for this is because one of the key selling factors is so that I can take notes in class. I write extremely crappy, and to top it off, I write really slow.
But I can type extremely fast, at time I type faster than I can even think of the words to type. So typing notes seems like a safe choice.
So again, Keyboard & able to plug in. I don't want a phone combo, this is a PDA... a computer.. not a phone.
Also, I have seen some PDA's with little buttons under the Screen for each letter of the alphabet. I don't need this kind of interface, as I'll have a keyboard. Now I seriously need all the geeks of TFP to help me out. If I can choose within the next week or two, then my parents will give me a hundred or two as a Xmas present (if not then that money will be used elsewhere
). But regardless I need info as I need to have this before Second Semester in January. I have a professor who gives solid notes for the whole class. I've noticed he gives 2 front and back pages of notes in a hour length of class. I will have him 3 days a week, and I don't feel like pulling any muscles.
Thanks Guys!