Caught a sneak preview last night, and I was completely floored. Any nippon-phile will absolutely freak at the attention to detail. Regular filmgoers will be impressed by the great plot, superb cast and incredible action sequences. This is the best movie I've seen so far this year, without a doubt (good thing it comes out 2 weeks before ROTK, so I'm allowed to say that
small spoiler:
Regarding the language thing that a number of people are worried about, it's done *very* logically. Be forewarned though, there isn't a plot device a la 13 warriors or hunt for red october. Tom Cruise's character learns japanese during the course of the movie, and he speaks it with the characters who don't speak english (of which there are many).
There are a couple of other (AWESOME) things that I'm dying to discuss, but I'd rather there be a spoiler tag up top before I get into it.