Originally posted by Averett
Yup, there are a ton of girls out there who are just looking for some casual sex. Nothing wrong with that at all. But these things are about lying and they are about putting forth a false image of yourself. Most men deep down are not like this. But most realize that to a certain extent you have to tweek yourself in order to get the girl. I think this is all about building confidence. If youre a confident man you can be yourself and be able to talk to any girl you want. Now, can you get any girl you want? Thats another story.
I can't speak for Plan9. We've butted heads on this issue, we both have different thoughts on it. But I think these tricks are all about gaining confidence. If you get used to talking to random girls, and asking for numbers then you'll become more confident with your pimpin ways. I just see things from the woman's point of view. I don't want to be one of the girls who is just the stepping stone to some man gaining confidence. But it's up to me to weed out the guys who are real, and the guys who hope to some day be real.
Got a little long winded there, sorry....
This past Saturday I had a brief encounter with a guy who really needed to work on his game. He came up, introduced himself and we talked for a few minutes. Then mid sentance he turned around and started to talk to another girl. I was a little puzzled but I could care less. I went back to where my friends were standing. About 10 minutes later the guy came over to us, and pulled me over to the bar. Introduces me to his friends and offeres to buy me a drink. Which he never did actually... Then he asked what I was doing later that night (it was 4am) and I said going home. He then asked for my number, said we could hang out sometime. I gave it to him, then he said we should go back to his place and hang out there. I again told him that I was going home,that I had to drive friends home. Next he says "We should go to my place and have sex. Don't worry, it'll be the best of your life. Oh,and I've got condoms." I said thanks, but no thanks. He said "You'll regret it. It's really too bad that I just lost your number." Then turned his back to me. I just laughed and went back to my friends. It was the most bizarre conversation ever.
No, am I wrong in assuming that he had no skills? Or maybe they just didn't work on me...
Averett, the thing is... you are not the type of girl that can be easily "played" and you should be proud of it. Hopefully some of the things I have told you in this thread will keep you even sharper to look out for the guy who is just trying to get you in bed. You honestly seem like a good girl.. a "keeper" as I call it amongst my friends. Don't mistake our "butting heads" as if I dont like you... I actually think you are an alright girl

. Anyhow, just replying...