Originally posted by reconmike
Honestly you are a Canadian and I really dont care what you think about what my government is spending on defense, if we think we need it then we do.
The world basks in the safety we provide, or as the old addage goes:
better safe than sorry.
As i said, you spend whatever you want on defense or anything else. Your defense spending is skewed to the absurd in my opinion, but that is your business you are correct.
All i am saying is that if you want to spend more on defense than every other nation in the world combined, you had better face the music and pay for it.
You as a country can not go on spending more and more money each year that you don't have. It's simply bad economics.
This concerns me because i do have investments (as paultry as they may be) and if the american economy goes into the dumper seriously because of this debt, WE ARE ALL IN BIG TROUBLE.
As a fiscal conservative, like Allan Greenspan, I don't believe in deficit financing unless it is an investment that will pay a divident and be repaid in a timely basis. Merely financing the day to day running of the United States is strictly short term thinking on the part of the Bush Administration to buy votes by mortgaging the future.
At some point in the future, there is going to be a very real budget crisis if this keeps up. By then, Bush will be long gone, and some poor S.O.B. president is going to have to tackle the debt and make some very politically unpopular decisions in order to address the damage that Bush is doing now. (I believe the expression is "the chickens have come home to roost.")
If you want to buy the toys, you should have the money to pay for it.
I would love to have a new Astin Martin DB7, but simple economics sayst that i can not afford it, so i don't go out and buy it.