She's beautifull.... seriously im not just saying that, I had to defend myself and her soi many times because peopl would try to do shit... he's probably thinking that he can get a bit out of her...
It's just so fucked, he's the I.T. administrator at my school... we connected, became mates workout toigether, get pissed together... and now this?
It's so fucked man, I want to bash him and stuff... it's just so confusing... if anything becmes of the two of them etc.. then I will kill him literally, So much shit has been happening lately, my mates father died, I broke up with my gf, then this shit, now I have a fractured jaw cos some lil faggots decided to hit me and stuff ( i didn't fight back because I was scard I would lose control ) I found out about 1 month ago, that I ma a father (from 2 years ago - my ex did a runner 4 states away and now has finally decided to come down and stuff ) its just hit after hit.
So scared that everything is going to escalate into worse things