Home Network Hackers
I live in a building with many a student and we are all connected to the Net through a network. I just happened to check the events log on my McAfee Firewall. Here on messages I have been getting:
1) A computer in your Banned IP list at (name removed) has attempted to access UDP port 137 on your computer.
UDP port 137 is commonly used by the "NETBIOS Name" service or program. NetBIOS is used for Windows file sharing. It can be exploited to access files on your computer.
2) A computer in your Banned IP list at (name removed) has attempted to access UDP port 138 on your computer.
UDP port 138 is commonly used by the "NETBIOS Datagram" service or program. NetBIOS is used for Windows file sharing. It can be exploited to access files on your computer.
Are these events just our computer talking to one another on the network or is something trying to pry into my computer? McAfee says that my computer is being protected from these events but do I need to contact the network administator about my fellow students trying to hack my computer? Thanks. Much obliged.
"But a work of art is a conscious human effort that has to do with communication. It is that or its nothing. When an accident is applauded as a work of art, when a cult grows up around the deliciousness of inadvertent beauty, we are in the presence of the greatest decadence the West has known in its history."