Originally posted by feelgood
Well, my mom and her husband fucks so does that warrents a yelling match between my bro and sis and my mom?
Guess not
Does your brother or sister pay rent? If so then yeah, if not then they can either accept the rules or leave. That's what my mom told me and I never thought it was an unfair rule. Luckily for me I never got caught at home.
It is a bummer that your mom isn't mature enough to consider that at least your sister is having sex at home as opposed to any number of worse places.
Mature? Doesn't seem like the right word to go there. She was pissed that her daughter, whom she feeds and takes care of, was breaking a house rule. If she agreed to not have sex in the house then she is expected to take care of her business elsewhere. It's a bummer his sister isn't mature enough to follow the rules.