Originally posted by jam161
you cant do anything good with css that tables are for... css is for controlling fonts and alignment... do you make sites graphicly? YOU NEED TABLES unless you use flash... TABLES TABLES TABLES, css isnt even the same category as tables... my guess is you just dont know the true power of tables... CSS is meant to replace changing fonts everywehre... you can put a class on one div or table to change it.. and you change the style sheet and it changes in all your documents... but you need a table to make a layout
It ABSOLUTELY is. Look at my site (
www.theravenel.net). Done in ALL CSS, not the first table on there. A List Apart makes webpages (they recently redid Slashdot) that are full CSS. CSS does *everything* tables can do, its just that most people are too lazy to learn it, even though once you know it, it is infinitely easier than table hacks. CSS is made to seperate content from structure--HTML was never even designed to be a structure language, and ideally, you shouldnt have the first bit of structure in it, only your content.