Originally posted by Moonduck
There were a number of good natured jibes in my second post. I was trying to get the point across that I really wasn't flaming you and that you shouldn't take it seriously.
I can honestly understand an aversion to weaponry. They are scary things for some people because of the connotations that person notes when dealing with weaponry. I personally don't grok the idea, but then again I am unbothered by most inorganic inanimate objects. (I personally have an aversion to raw, bloody meat, thus the reason that I've never taken up on any of the many offers to go hunting)
Duly noted.
I apologize if my use of the word hate and abhor offended you. :-)
Actually, to be perfectly honest, both are probably too strong. I hate what guns
do to people and I'm therefore a believer in strict gun-control. The country where I was born (Ireland) has very strict laws in this area; mostly due to the violence of our Civil War in the 1920's and the destabling effects of an armed subversive group.
I guess some of that has rubbed off on me.
So, whilst I maintain I was being
far from vitriolic, I may have been
provocative... ;-)
With regards to the weapon itself, I imagine it looks even
more sensitive to dust, dirt & water than the M-16. Maybe that's just because it looks so "high tech" if you will.
Mr Mephisto